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Our Mission

Little Lobbyists seek to protect and expand the rights of children who have complex medical needs and disabilities through advocacy, education, and outreach.

Our Vision

That all children with complex medical needs and disabilities will have access to the health care, education, and community inclusion they need to survive and thrive.

Our Advocacy

We are families of children with complex medical needs and disabilities, who've learned through experience to be strong and effective advocates. We became political activists in response to the threat posed to our children by the policies and legislation being advanced by the new administration and Congress in 2017. 

We seek to educate legislators about our community by showing up in-person with our disabled children (and their ventilators, oxygen tanks, feeding tubes, wheelchairs, and more in tow) so everyone can see first-hand who is impacted by laws and programs like the ACA, Medicaid, ADA, and IDEA. Most importantly, we want decision makers to see that our kids are just KIDS; they are kids who go to school, love to play, and deserve access to the health care, education, and community inclusion they need to grow up to live their best lives.

We also seek to educate our community of families about legislation that impacts children with complex medical needs and disabilities, and empower them to engage with state and local government to make their voices heard.

Our Stories

We believe hearts and minds can be changed when we share our stories. Our voices are our power.

Since June 2017, we've been meeting with legislators to share the stories of families like ours from all over the country. Through these meetings, we've been able to help our elected officials better understand the needs of these under-represented constituents and how proposed legislation would affect us. We are constantly collecting more stories to share. If you care for a dependent with complex medical needs and disabilities and would like to make sure your family’s concerns are represented by the policy makers whose job it is to protect them, we invite you to share your story with us here.



are you the parent or guardian of A CHILD WITH COMPLEX MEDICAL NEEDS and disabilities?

Help us share their story.

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