This Is What Democracy Looks Like

As President Elect Biden stated, January 6, 2021 is a day that will go down in infamy. The attempted insurrection by Trump supporters shows us how fragile our democracy can be, and remind us that the strength of our democracy resides within each of us.

The democratic process works. Little Lobbyists’ success is a testament to it. Through peaceful protests and rallies, through scheduled and impromptu meetings with our federal and state legislators, through Congressional testimony and press conferences, Little Lobbyists has, against the odds, helped secure the Affordable Care Act and Medicaid for children with complex medical needs and disabilities throughout the United States. We have a voice. Democracy works when we use our voices constructively, legally, and peacefully to create change.

Seeing images of members of Congress with whom we have met being threatened and the defilement of the U.S. Capitol Building, the symbol and structure of our democratic process, is extremely disturbing. We stand with our state and federal legislators, who have stood by us as we advocate for our children with complex medical needs and disabilities and who are devoted to the protection of our democracy.

Here are photos of Little Lobbyists participating in the work and joy of our American democratic process over the last three years. Join us!

[Gallery description: Photos of Little Lobbyists families over the last few years as they speak at rallies & press conferences, meet with congresspersons, and participate in state-level events. Photos were taken inside & outside the U.S. Capitol, inside & outside congressional office buildings, at the U.S. Supreme Court, at special events, and at other locations. Individual photo descriptions appear using the cursor hover feature.]