Little Lobbyists Is 5! Our Story Is All About Social Justice

Co-founder Elena Hung poses outside the U.S. Capitol [image description: A woman with black hair and a grey tweed coat holds three signs with the Little Lobbyists’ red, white & blue logo on them]

In 2017, Elena Hung and Michelle Morrison, parents of children with complex medical needs and disabilities (Xiomara and Timmy), were worried about the future of health care, given the frightening rumblings out of Washington DC. The two sat down at a kitchen table and put their heads together: How could they get their elected officials to understand how important programs and protections like the Affordable Care Act (ACA), Medicaid, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) are for families who rely on specialized health care, inclusive education, and accessible public spaces?

A simple plan was formed: collect photos and stories of kids with complex medical needs and disabilities from around the country and take them directly to their legislators. Deliver them in person with their own kids (and their ventilators, oxygen, wheelchairs, walkers, leg braces, feeding tubes, and more in tow) so lawmakers could see first-hand who needs the protection of the very laws and programs under threat. 

Elena and Michelle gathered over 150 stories from other families across the nation to hand out to legislators. Their first visit to Capitol Hill was in June 2017. Five families from the DC metro area gathered for that first Hill visit. The group led by example: Here are our children, and they belong in their communities, they need quality health care and education, and they deserve to be heard by their legislators. 

Co-founders Michelle Morrison & Elena Hung pose with their families outside the Hart Senate Office Building [image description: Four adults and three children pose on the sidewalk in front of an office building sign. The building is made of white marble with large windows.]

The press quickly dubbed the family group, “the little lobbyists,” and the name stuck. Since 2017, Little Lobbyists has become a presence on Capitol Hill, providing an essential perspective on the ACA, Medicaid, Home and Community-Based Services, and many other issues. We have survived and thrived.

Little Lobbyists is now nearly 10K strong on Facebook, and followed by over 16K individuals and organizations on Twitter. Our work is reaching and empowering thousands of families every day. Through our state chapter groups and other outreach, we are also empowering and encouraging advocates at the state and local levels. 

The democratic process works. Little Lobbyists’ success is a testament to it. Through peaceful protests and rallies, through scheduled and impromptu meetings with our federal and state legislators, through Congressional testimony and press conferences, Little Lobbyists has, against the odds, helped secure the Affordable Care Act and Medicaid for children with complex medical needs and disabilities throughout the United States. We have a voice. Democracy works when we use our voices constructively and peacefully to create change.

In these troubled days of 2022, we stand with our allies to protect the bodily autonomy, self-determination, and well-being of everyone, and, particularly, women, people of color, LGBTQ+ individuals, and people with complex medical needs and disabilities.

The June 2022 U.S. Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade dramatically limits the Fourteenth Amendment’s civil right to make personal decisions without government interference and upends previous rulings on personal rights including marriage, intimacy, sterilization, medical care, housing, speech, and more. People with disabilities have historically been denied the right to make these fundamental decisions about their own lives, and many are still contested.

Our goal is for the United States to become a place where our government champions policies and laws that protect the civil rights and the future of our children. We are working together to map a path to better health care, education, and community inclusion for every person with complex medical needs and disabilities.

Join us! Our voice is your voice, and your voice is ours.

Some of the Little Lobbyists in 2017 [image description: A group of 8 children, some standing and some in medical strollers pose on a large plaza with the U.S. Capitol building in the distance.]

[Gallery description: Photos of Little Lobbyists families as they spoke at rallies & press conferences, met with congresspersons, and participated in state-level events. Photos were taken inside & outside the U.S. Capitol, inside & outside congressional office buildings, at the U.S. Supreme Court, at special events, and at other locations. Individual photo descriptions appear using the cursor hover feature.]