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Age 14, Pennsylvania

Meet Ryan. He's sweet, smart, and funny. He's also a great swimmer, photographer, and is very social media savvy.

Ryan has Autism, ADHD, asthma, and seizures. He takes multiple medications. At school, Ryan has made great progress thanks to his own hard work and the special education and therapy provided through the IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) in his IEP (Individualized Education Plan).    

Right now, Ryan has health insurance and access to community support through his parent's private health insurance and Medicaid. However, Ryan is growing up fast and as his mother thinks about the future she's most worried about what changes in Medicaid and the repeal of the ACA could mean for Ryan's ability to achieve an independent adulthood.  

People with Autism already face significant barriers to employment, including discrimination. If access to health care and community support become dependent on one's ability to work, as the administration's support for Medicaid work requirements mandate, people like Ryan could be further marginalized -- shut out from the care the need and the opportunities they deserve.  Read more about "How Medicaid Work Requirements Could Harm Autistic People" here.

Submitted by Ryan's mom, Jodi